Pantone Solid Colours
If you work in print, packaging, or digital design, you’re in the right place!
Solid colors (sometimes call spot colors) are the truest representation of color intent in graphic arts. Solid color printing, also known as spot printing or offset printing, is the process by which a single color is formulated and then applied through print.
PMS, which stands for the Pantone Matching System, is a proprietary numbering system for colours used in graphics arts and has 3,026 solid colours (and counting).
The heart of the PMS system is solid colour ink printed on paper. Why? Solid colors represent the truest representation of color intent in graphic arts.
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The Pantone Colour Formula Guide | Coated & Uncoated is the colour reference used around the world for inspiration, specification, and accuracy in print and digital design. The guide also provides colour formulations for properly mixing all Pantone Spot colour inks. New edition for 2023.
Pantone Colour Formula Guide | Coated & Uncoated
Pantone Solid Colours €200.00 Plus VATThe Pantone Colour Formula Guide | Coated & Uncoated is the colour reference used around the world for inspiration, specification, and accuracy in print and digital design. The guide also provides colour formulations for properly mixing all Pantone Spot colour inks. New edition for 2023.
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Pantone Solid Chips | Coated & Uncoated make it easy to view, share, and reference any Pantone Spot colour in chip format. Shareable, versatile colour for graphics and print.
Pantone Solid Chips | Coated and Uncoated
Pantone Solid Colours €494.00 Plus VATPantone Solid Chips | Coated & Uncoated make it easy to view, share, and reference any Pantone Spot colour in chip format. Shareable, versatile colour for graphics and print.
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The Pantone Solid Guide Set is a cost-saving bundle that has 3,255 Pantone Matching System® colours with all four of the solid colour guides (Spot Colour Formula Guides Coated & Uncoated, Pastels & Neons and Metallics). 329 new Spot Colours added for 2023.
PANTONE Solid Guide Set
Pantone - SAVINGS BUNDLES €428.00 Plus VATThe Pantone Solid Guide Set is a cost-saving bundle that has 3,255 Pantone Matching System® colours with all four of the solid colour guides (Spot Colour Formula Guides Coated & Uncoated, Pastels & Neons and Metallics). 329 new Spot Colours added for 2023.
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The Pantone Solid Colour Set contains all 2,390 Pantone Spot colours in Coated and Uncoated Fan Guides format and Chip Books format.
Pantone Solid Colour Set
Pantone - SAVINGS BUNDLES €600.00 Plus VATThe Pantone Solid Colour Set contains all 2,390 Pantone Spot colours in Coated and Uncoated Fan Guides format and Chip Books format.